Maybe this scenario hasn't quite made it to the silver screen yet, but it has provided amusement to thousands of listeners over the years because it was all captured on audio tape. He finally achieves temporary safety by locking himself in a phone booth, from which he calls 911 (while being held at bay by the snarling dog) to request a "bambulance," darting in and out of the booth in drunken desperation as he tries to avoid the angry mongrel while looking for landmarks and street signs to help describe his location to the harried emergency dispatcher.
#911 funny prank calls driver
The hapless driver stops at a phone booth to summon help and is immediately set upon by a hostile dog who bites him in the leg as he desperately tries to fend it off with a knife and a tire iron. The deer is only stunned, however, and within short order it revives, begins thrashing around, and bites the driver on the neck.

Suddenly a "deer jumps out and hits his car." Believing the animal to be dead and not wanting a good deer to go to waste, the man loads it into his back seat and continues on his way. Origins: It sounds like the outline for a modern day Mack Sennett two-reeler: An intoxicated driver is making his way home when The deer revives and begins kicking and biting, prompting a hilarious 911 call by the dazed and confused driver. Claim: An intoxicated motorist hits a deer with his car and, assuming the animal is dead, loads it into his back seat.